Felix 3.0
Tech Specs for Felix 3.0 printers
- Nozzle diameter 0.35mm
- Filament diameter: 1.75 mm
- Build volume (x, y, z) (250, 205, 230) mm, When printing where dual extrusion is required, the buildvolume reduces to 240mm. But when printing with a dual head and only using one of the two nozzles the x range is 250
- Layer height 50 micron to 300 micron
- Heated bed temperature range 0 - 95 degC, When isolating bottom temp can go upto 115 degC. Ultra light aluminum sandwich plate.
- Nozzle temperature range 0- 275degC
- Axes positioning resolution (x, y, z) (50,50,10) micron
Slicing and printer control
For the Felix printers we use Repetierhost, with the Curaengine to do the slicing